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The chemistry of heterocycles in the 21st century

Sergey V. Kurbatov 11 *
Sergey V. Kurbatov
5 Lugansk State Pedagogical University, ul. Oboronnaya 2, 291011 Lugansk, Russian Federation
6 Vladimir Dahl Lugansk State University, kv. Molodezhny 20a, 291034 Lugansk, Russian Federation
2024-08-12ReviewRCR5125, Volume 93, Issue 7
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Valery N. Charushin et al. The chemistry of heterocycles in the 21st century // Russian Chemical Reviews. 2024. Vol. 93. No. 7. RCR5125
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Valery N. Charushin et al. The chemistry of heterocycles in the 21st century // Russian Chemical Reviews. 2024. Vol. 93. No. 7. RCR5125
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DO - 10.59761/RCR5125
UR - https://rcr.colab.ws/publications/10.59761/RCR5125
TI - The chemistry of heterocycles in the 21st century
T2 - Russian Chemical Reviews
PB - Autonomous Non-profit Organization Editorial Board of the journal Uspekhi Khimii
AU - Charushin, Valery N.
AU - Verbitskiy, Egor V.
AU - Chupakhin, Oleg N.
AU - Vorobyeva, Daria V.
AU - Gribanov, Pavel S.
AU - Osipov, Sergey N.
AU - Ivanov, Andrey V.
AU - Martynovskaya, Svetlana V.
AU - Sagitova, Elena F.
AU - Dyachenko, Vladimir D.
AU - Dyachenko, Ivan V.
AU - Krivokolysko, Sergey G.
AU - Dotsenko, Viktor V.
AU - Aksenov, Aleksandr V.
AU - Aksenov, Nicolai A.
AU - Larin, Alexander A.
AU - Aksenov, Dmitrii A.
AU - Fershtat, Leonid L.
AU - Muzalevskiy, Vasiliy M.
AU - Nenajdenko, Valentin G.
AU - Gulevskaya, Anna V.
AU - Pozharskii, Alexander F.
AU - Filatova, Ekaterina A.
AU - Belyaeva, Kseniya V.
AU - Trofimov, Boris A.
AU - Balova, Irina A.
AU - Danilkina, Natalia A.
AU - Govdi, Anastasia I.
AU - Tikhomirov, Alexander S.
AU - Shchekotikhin, Andrey E.
AU - Novikov, Mikhail S.
AU - Rostovskii, Nikolai V.
AU - Khlebnikov, Alexander F.
AU - Klimochkin, Yuri N.
AU - Leonova, Marina V.
AU - Tkachenko, Ilya M.
AU - Mamedov, Vakhid A.
AU - Mamedova, Vera L.
AU - Zhukova, Nataliya A.
AU - Semenov, Vyacheslav E.
AU - Sinyashin, Oleg G.
AU - Borshchev, Oleg V.
AU - Luponosov, Yuriy N.
AU - Ponomarenko, Sergey A.
AU - Fisyuk, Alexander S.
AU - Kostyuchenko, Anastasia S.
AU - Ilkin, Vladimir G.
AU - Beryozkina, Tetyana V.
AU - Bakulev, Vasiliy A.
AU - Gazizov, Almir S.
AU - Zagidullin, Almaz A.
AU - Karasik, Andrey A.
AU - Kukushkin, Maxim E.
AU - Beloglazkina, Elena K.
AU - Golantsov, Nikita E.
AU - Festa, Alexey A.
AU - Voskressensky, Leonid G.
AU - Moshkin, Vladimir S.
AU - Buev, Evgeny M.
AU - Sosnovskikh, Vyacheslav Ya.
AU - Mironova, Irina A.
AU - Postnikov, Pavel S.
AU - Zhdankin, Viktor V.
AU - Yusubov, Mekhman S.
AU - Yaremenko, Ivan A.
AU - Vil', Vera A.
AU - Krylov, Igor B.
AU - Terent'ev, Alexander O.
AU - Gorbunova, Yuliya G.
AU - Martynov, Alexander G.
AU - Tsivadze, Aslan Yu.
AU - Stuzhin, Pavel A.
AU - Ivanova, Svetlana S.
AU - Koifman, Oskar I.
AU - Burov, Oleg N.
AU - Kletskii, Mikhail E.
AU - Kurbatov, Sergey V.
AU - Yarovaya, Olga I.
AU - Volcho, Konstantin P.
AU - Salakhutdinov, Nariman F.
AU - Panova, Mariya A.
AU - Burgart, Yanina V.
AU - Saloutin, Victor I.
AU - Sitdikova, Alsu R.
AU - Shchegravina, Ekaterina S.
AU - Fedorov, Alexey Yu.
PY - 2024
SP - RCR5125
IS - 7
VL - 93
ER -
BibTeX copy
author = {Valery N. Charushin and Egor V. Verbitskiy and Oleg N. Chupakhin and Daria V. Vorobyeva and Pavel S. Gribanov and Sergey N. Osipov and Andrey V. Ivanov and Svetlana V. Martynovskaya and Elena F. Sagitova and Vladimir D. Dyachenko and Ivan V. Dyachenko and Sergey G. Krivokolysko and Viktor V. Dotsenko and Aleksandr V. Aksenov and Nicolai A. Aksenov and Alexander A. Larin and Dmitrii A. Aksenov and Leonid L. Fershtat and Vasiliy M. Muzalevskiy and Valentin G. Nenajdenko and Anna V. Gulevskaya and Alexander F. Pozharskii and Ekaterina A. Filatova and Kseniya V. Belyaeva and Boris A. Trofimov and Irina A. Balova and Natalia A. Danilkina and Anastasia I. Govdi and Alexander S. Tikhomirov and Andrey E. Shchekotikhin and Mikhail S. Novikov and Nikolai V. Rostovskii and Alexander F. Khlebnikov and Yuri N. Klimochkin and Marina V. Leonova and Ilya M. Tkachenko and Vakhid A. Mamedov and Vera L. Mamedova and Nataliya A. Zhukova and Vyacheslav E. Semenov and Oleg G. Sinyashin and Oleg V. Borshchev and Yuriy N. Luponosov and Sergey A. Ponomarenko and Alexander S. Fisyuk and Anastasia S. Kostyuchenko and Vladimir G. Ilkin and Tetyana V. Beryozkina and Vasiliy A. Bakulev and Almir S. Gazizov and Almaz A. Zagidullin and Andrey A. Karasik and Maxim E. Kukushkin and Elena K. Beloglazkina and Nikita E. Golantsov and Alexey A. Festa and Leonid G. Voskressensky and Vladimir S. Moshkin and Evgeny M. Buev and Vyacheslav Ya. Sosnovskikh and Irina A. Mironova and Pavel S. Postnikov and Viktor V. Zhdankin and Mekhman S. Yusubov and Ivan A. Yaremenko and Vera A. Vil' and Igor B. Krylov and Alexander O. Terent'ev and Yuliya G. Gorbunova and Alexander G. Martynov and Aslan Yu. Tsivadze and Pavel A. Stuzhin and Svetlana S. Ivanova and Oskar I. Koifman and Oleg N. Burov and Mikhail E. Kletskii and Sergey V. Kurbatov and Olga I. Yarovaya and Konstantin P. Volcho and Nariman F. Salakhutdinov and Mariya A. Panova and Yanina V. Burgart and Victor I. Saloutin and Alsu R. Sitdikova and Ekaterina S. Shchegravina and Alexey Yu. Fedorov},
title = {The chemistry of heterocycles in the 21st century},
month = {aug},
year = {2024}
MLA copy
Charushin, Valery N., et al. “The chemistry of heterocycles in the 21st century.” Russian Chemical Reviews, vol. 93, no. 7, Aug. 2024, p. RCR5125. https://rcr.colab.ws/publications/10.59761/RCR5125.
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condensation reactions
high-energy-density materials
hypervalent iodine compounds
medicinal chemistry
multicomponent reactions
natural heterocyclic compounds
organic electronics
organic peroxides
organic photonics


The chemistry of heterocyclic compounds has traditionally been and remains a bright area of chemical science in Russia. This is due to the fact that many heterocycles find the widest application. These compounds are the key structural fragments of most drugs, plant protection agents. Many natural compounds are also derivatives of heterocycles. At present, more than half of the hundreds of millions of known chemical compounds are heterocycles. This collective review is devoted to the achievements of Russian chemists in this field over the last 15–20 years. The review presents the achievements of leading heterocyclists representing both RAS institutes and university science. It is worth noting the wide scope of the review, both in terms of the geography of author teams, covering the whole of our large country, and in terms of the diversity of research areas. Practically all major types of heterocycles are represented in the review. The special attention is focused on the practical applications of heterocycles in the design of new drugs and biologically active compounds, high-energy molecules, materials for organic electronics and photovoltaics, new ligands for coordination chemistry, and many other rapidly developing areas. These practical advances would not be possible without the development of new fundamental transformations in heterocyclic chemistry.

The bibliography includes 2237 references.